Person-Centred Care At Caradon

At Caradon, we are dedicated to providing support for individuals with learning disabilities, person-centred care lies at the heart of our approach. With a firm belief in the inherent worth and individuality of every resident, Caradon strives to create an environment that nurtures their unique qualities and fosters a sense of empowerment, dignity, and self-determination.

“Caradon's commitment to person-centred care for individuals with learning disabilities goes beyond meeting their basic needs.”

Person-centred care is a holistic and collaborative approach that recognizes the individual as an active participant in their own care. It goes beyond simply meeting physical needs and aims to address emotional, social, and psychological well-being as well. In the context of a care home for individuals with learning disabilities, this approach acknowledges that each resident has their own strengths, preferences, aspirations, and communication styles.

“We will learn together how to bring out the best in a person.”

At Caradon, the first step towards person-centred care is getting to know each resident on an individual level. The team takes the time to build meaningful relationships, engaging in open and honest communication. By listening attentively to the residents, their families, and their advocates, Caradon gains valuable insights into the person's life history, interests, and personal goals. This understanding forms the foundation for tailoring care plans that respect and accommodate the unique needs and desires of each individual.

“Caradon strives to empower each resident to live a life filled with dignity, respect, and meaningful connections.”

The staff at Caradon recognise that promoting autonomy and independence is key to person-centred care. They encourage residents to make choices and decisions about their daily lives, ensuring they have opportunities to express their preferences and participate in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment. Whether it's deciding on meal options, selecting recreational activities, or participating in social events, residents are actively involved in shaping their own experiences.

“We want people to thrive and flourish.

Continual evaluation and reflection are crucial elements of person-centred care at Caradon. The care team regularly reviews and adjusts care plans based on the evolving needs and preferences of the residents. They actively seek feedback from residents, families, and advocates to improve the quality of care provided and maintain an environment that promotes growth, fulfillment, and happiness.

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